Welcome to the alpha SQUAD forum board.
As a member of this forum you must obey and stand by the following rules and regulations.
-Keep your posts relevant and helpful.
-Be Friendly and post with no harm!
-Posts that have veered off topic or bashing WILL be locked, or deleted.
-Do not multi-post the same subject on different areas. This is considered Spamming and will be deleted.
-Any personal attack to a member will not be tolerated.
-Lighten up! This is a fun place, don't take anything on this site too seriously.
-Do not post in ALL CAPS because it is considered yelling
-Make sure that the forums are kept family-friendly.
-Use only language acceptable in public. If you must cuss, use "#&$^!#@%!!"
-The same applies to images. If it isn't appropriate for display in public, it isn't appropriate for display on this forum.
-Keep your signature free of images or cluttered text.
-No Pictures,Graphics, Icons, Avatars or Smileys are allowed on signatures.
-Only 1 to 15 lines of text
-If you receive a warning from one of our moderators please respect the decision.
-Listen to the warning or else members who ignore moderator warnings will be banned.
-Moderator's decisions are final as they keep this forum on check.
-Bashing or Attacking a Moderator is not accepted.
-Only alpha SQUAD and Forum Sponsors May Post ads
-Sponsors/Vendors: We're looking for sponsors/vendors.