What up peeps. So I was just informed that tomorrow there is a car show that's supposed to happen at the High School I work at. I know it's super short notice but apparently the student that organized it was told by another car club that they were showing up and cancelled yesterday. Now she's not sure how many cars are showing up. The show is free with 5 canned food items. Not sure if there's trophies but it's for a good cause. Here's the info:
Car Show at Valley View High School
13135 Nason St.
Moreno Valley, CA 92555
Free admission with 5 free canned food items
This isn't the show that we usually go to, it's at the adjacent high school. That show is going to be in May and I will post up info on that shortly. The parking lot is pretty big, not sure we really need to roll in together but we can if we get a decent sized group. Let's do a roll call:
1. Omarxb
2. Ginger Lohan
3. Timmay Trombone